Morning Catch-Up at Telegram Coffee
I like doing things intentionally especially when catching up with friends. So one day I contacted my good friend, Alvin Fu (@alvinfutography) for an early morning catch up at 6AM at the Telegram Coffee. “Let’s do it!” he said. I was going to go against my word and continue my sleep but I honoured my promise to him, although I ended up arriving about 10 minutes late. Hubby woke up at 3:30AM and played some Halo 5 on the Xbox...tsk tsk gamer hubby. Good thing he didn't forget to wake me up.
We opted for a quick parking at the CPP across the State Buildings and felt the refreshing morning air around us. It was a bit gloomy today with the forecast mentioning 80% chance of rain and thunderstorm. The State Building was empty and the only human beings I spotted sitting outside of the Petition’s Wine Bar was Alvin. Since the building was empty, we could appreciated the architectural design and thoughtful decorations more than usual.
I was quite sleepy while browsing the coffee menu so when I saw 50c soy and $1 almond I thought to myself, ‘WOW! This guy actually served almond syrup!’. It wasn’t until I said my order out loud, “One soy flat white with almond please!” that I realised it was… almond milk (do’h!). The kind barista, Luke, informed me that he couldn’t mix the two milks together and they don’t have syrup (my bad…).
The Telegram offers coffee made from Dukes Coffee's beans in Melbourne as well as the Loaded Coffee Roasters in Nedlands. The cost of their extra small coffee cup is $3, small for $3.50 and grande for $4 (regardless of what kind of coffee that you want e.g. latte / flat white, etc).
It's all in the details :-)
We went back to our original sitting spot with two coffees and one hot chocolate (Hubby doesn’t like coffee). Back to our table, we were discussing about how to create our room to be like hotel rooms, work life, Nintendo’s Miitomo, cheap Chinese food and a lot of random discussions. The perfect temperature coffee and hot chocolate was really easy to drink. Next time I’ll get one coffee and one hot chocolate for myself. The clock was ticking away really quickly and when Luke wished us a good weekend it was time for us to drive to our workplace. Thank you for the good morning coffee, Luke!
Alvin now was really different with the uni-student Alvin. It’s funny how work life can shape someone’s maturity more than before. Another 6AM catch up is due for next Friday at Telegram Coffee and I really look forward to it.
Image courtesy of