Diner en Blanc 2017

Hubby and I decided to go to the Diner en Blanc event this year since we were quite happy with last year's event. Armed with better knowledge of what to bring and how to pack, we invited our two friends to come along with us on our journey.

We ordered two packs of catering from The Modern Eatery (TME). One was the Oshi Sushi ($78) platter and the other one was Sushi Roll. ($58). One must always order Oshi Sushi when visiting TME.

We started our journey at Murdoch Train Station just like last year's Diner en Blanc. It was so good to see the curious faces of people that we walked past. Some people stopped to ask some questions about Diner en Blanc.

We stopped at Perth train station and walked to the Wellington Street train station to catch the Fremantle line train. For a moment I thought we were going to stop at Cottesloe. Cottesloe beach would make a really pretty backdrop. 

We didn't stop at Cottesloe and the train went all the way to Fremantle train station. From the train station we took a different route to the Esplanade Park. This was done to keep the traffic under control.

We were so happy when we saw the green Esplanade Park. Our team leader, Sarina, secured a spot for us and we all started to set up our tables and chairs. Some groups had already arrived and set up their tables, the combination of white and green grass looked strikingly beautiful. It didn't take long for us and other people to take some selfies and group photos.

This year we decided to purchased some bottles of water and Moët Ice Imperial from the online store. I think we purchased too many water bottles, 2 sparkling and 6 still water. Unfortunately the staff opened all of our water bottles since we didn't have any bottle opener... We didn't end up bringing any leftover water bottles home. 


Moët Chandon had an ice van and a photo booth this year. Both were heavily utilised by everyone. Note to myself: bring an ice bucket next year. Moët only gave us three pieces of ice cubes in each glass because it gave the perfect temperature to drink the Ice Imperial.


We started our meal with the napkin wave and ended it by lighting up our sparklers. The sea of sparklers looked really pretty tonight.

We got an Uber ride to get back to Murdoch train station's park and ride with tired feet but happy hearts.

Even thought the weather couldn't be predicted since a couple of months ago, today's weather was really perfect. I think the waiting list for next year will grow from its current numbers which is 10,000 people. I'm keen to see the third Diner en Blanc next year. The organisers and their team really did an amazing job on this year's event.